Dear Family:
They say that "Tupungato" comes from the phrase "Tupun Gatu", some native tongue way of saying "Vista de Estrellas" or "Sight of the stars". So, for those of you who were wondering, no, it doesn`t have anything to do with cats. :)
And, it looks like Hermana Cannon`s gonna continue on in her star sightings for a little longer. :) In other wards, transfers are here! And we`re sticking around for a while. But, my companion Hermana Dutra is going to San Juan! And the other two hermanas in the ward also will be transferred to other areas, so they`re going to be washing this area again! Pretty crazy, because they have a baptism coming up, and a wedding too, this friday! So we`ll see how that goes... they`re pretty sad to be going, and I`m a little sad that everyone is leaving me, but that`s just how it goes I guess. I`m super exciting to be sticking around a little longer. I love this area! :D
And my new companion is Hermana King, from Georgia! We met just after the MTC because we traveled to Argentina together. She`s super great, I`m way excited. It`s just going to be weird to have a gringa companion... haha
Well, this week once again was pretty slow. We`ve been doing lots of finding activities, and a little less active visiting as well, which has been good. On saturday we had a Noche de Rama or Branch Chapel Evening (instead of FHE? haha something like that) it went well. Not a whole lot of people came, but we watched Finding Faith in Christ (Yes, I do tell everyone that Aunt Vida is in it every time we watch it. :D) did an activity, and had some refreshments. The best part was at the end when the less active we`ve been visiting showed up with her husband and two kids! And what made it even better was when they showed up yesterday to church too! So happy.
It`s kind of interesting, because a while ago hermana Dutra and I were teaching a lesson about family history, and she said something really interesting. She said, "doing family history work is the same as doing missionary work, for those on the other side of the veil". And, I guess it`s probably obvious and everyone else in the world already had that realization, but it just kind of hit me. Because everyone knows the mission isn`t just about the numbers and the baptisms, and I love working with the less actives, and I always say that reactivating is just the same as baptizing, and gives just as much joy as well! But sometimes it still is a little sad to not be in one of those "baptizing lots and lots" missions. However, when Hermana Dutra mentioned that, I realized something. A couple summers ago I had the goal to go to the temple, and was able to do baptisms for the dead every week. Well, guess what? Those are baptisms! Maybe I haven`t been able to sit down with every person and help them read their scriptures and recognize the spirit, hear their first offered prayers, and sit next to them in church, but I was able to perform that saving ordinance for them, that hopefully they will accept. And someday I`ll be able to see them, and talk with them, and share my testimony with them. And how great our joy will be!
I guess just some food for thought. This gospel is true, in every aspect, I know it, and I love it. And when we do all we can with the talents, resources, and opportunities that God is forever sending our way, even if it means being just a little toy boat in a bathtub, we can someday find that eternal joy with Him, Christ, and our family and friends.
Hermana Cannon
p.s. The pictures are me and all the sisters saying goodbye to Elder Inca, our zone leader, who goes home this week! Viva Peru! :) The other one is a bill of a thousand pesos I found in a member`s house. It`s from way-back-when and is useless now, but still pretty cool! I asked how much it was worth back then, and how much now and all that, but Hna Gonzalez didn`t know. :( Bummer. Oh well, Argentina History anyway! :)
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