Hola Mis Queridos:
First of all, this week we found out that it is not in fact summer until the 21st of December. So that was embarrassing. Still primavera! However, that doesn´t change the fact that there´s still some cement egg frying heat going on. :)
Also, last week´s email I forgot to mention the reason for the dog picture. This dog follows us around everywhere. He always hangs out outside the carniceria on our street, and when he sees us, he jumps up and follows us to all our appointments and everything. Sometimes he even waits outside of the house or store until we finish and come back out. We named him Tomás. There´s also a smaller dog who follows us sometimes which we have named Tomenos. (más y menos? Get it? ah, spanish humor. ;) )
Anyway, a little update on Hermana Tirado´s health. We went to the doctor un montonaso de vezes this week to finish all of her exams, and this friday we´ll go back in to pick up all the results and meet with the doctor one last time so she can tell us what´s going on. Meanwhile, she´s doing much better, which is weird because this week we had two of the hottest days ever in the history of hot days. I guess more miracle like than weird. :) Anyway she hasn´t died, and we´re just keeping her out of the sun as much as possible.
Since we were at the doctor a lot this week, we weren´t able to visit with as many people as we would have liked, which is always a bummer. And that also means there´s not too much to tell in this email... heh heh...
We did however go to Evening of Excellence! They wanted to sing the EFY medley, you know with As sisters in Zion and Army of Helaman, and they were like, Hey! You play the piano! Play for us! But they didn´t have the music, just the hymnbook and primary song book. So I just kind of played them both and improvised a little of each during the mixed part. All in all, it actually turned out pretty nice. Not to toot my own horn. ;)
The service was really sweet too. Each ward was assigned a value color and all the girls made skirts and dresses in that color that they wore to the evening. But by far my favorite part of the whole meeting was when Cecilia got up to bear her testimony. Cecilia is a special needs YW in the ward, and when it was her turn to speak she got up and says, "Yo sé que Jesu Cristo vive. No lo veo pero lo siento." Then she just stood there in silence for a few minutes until another YW in the ward stood up to help her finish her whisper-repeated testimony. But how sweet it was to hear. It was such a testimony to hear just a few simple sentences and have the spirit testify of them so strongly.
This week we´ve been sharing the church´s Christmas video with everyone, Él es la Dádiva. (He is the Gift I guess is what it would be in English haha) If you haven´t seen it or shared it 5 million times yet, do it! It´s a beautiful message. The church is really pushing that the missionaries use this video in the work this month. We even have passalong cards specifically made for it. Join in the effort!
It´s truly a priveledge to share the message of the gospel, especially this Christmas season, when we can remember Jesus Christ, and the gift of his life, his example. I´m so thankful for our Savior, and I add my testimony to Cecilia´s, that I know he lives. And that this gift given by a loving heavenly father continues on when we share His love with others.
Hermana Cannon
p.s. The pictures! Last week for P-day we went to Los Reyunos. Just like a river/dam thing that´s really pretty. We also toured a winery, which was... extremely smelly. ;) Oh, and guess what we found on display all you Messi fans!?!?!? ;)
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