Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Rain in Spain Stays Mainly in Cedar City

Well I don't know where the snoring old man is, but he needs to get up one of these mornings because it's been raining and pouring for a week. Even a bright, lovely girl in my choir class expressed to me today her deepest hatred toward the weather. I mean, I've always loved droplets tumbling down the windows and thunder shuddering miles away, but after being wet for a week, I wouldn't be all that opposed to a little more sun down here in Cedar City. With a capital C, that rhymes with D and that stands for D. Vitamin D. Which comes from the sun.

Honestly though, it's frightening what a few dripping hours can do to campus. Rain is such an introverted weather. Everyone hide under your hoods, umbrellas, and ponchos because we sure can't let a dreary thing like rain get into our systems. Just lets trudge along in our sopping shoes and keep our gaze toward the puddles because it's just grey and more grey for miles above; it's no use putting our chins up to see something so dull.

I've definitely noticed a difference in my own attitude. On my way to my eight o' clock History class, I only looked outside the bubble of my umbrella once, and it because I heard a sort of a slosh noise. Or maybe it was more of a shplish. Anyway when I looked up I saw this guy a couple yards away on the sidewalk just below a muddy slope of grass. I was surprised to find that only a couple thoughts slowly yawned into my mind. "Yikes, he just slipped right off the grass there," "Maybe I should help him up or at least ask if he's okay," and, "Poor guy. That would really suck." And then I walked into the building.

I've just felt so slow these last couple days. I feel like my body is literally filling up with every raining minute and soon I'll be as bloated as Violet Beauregarde in Willy Wonka's Factory and have to be juiced before the winter turns me into an icicle.

Maybe I should start the process now. I think I'll begin Rain-water Juicing by making some peppermint tea and popcorn, burrito myself in a blanket, maybe listen to some upbeat music, and read some Billy Collins poems. Then I definitely need to buy rain boots one of these days because my soppy toes could definitely use 'em.

Hmm. I like the yellow... But I've loved the polka-dot ones I've seen around campus...
Sigh. College decisions.


  1. Just for your own emotional well-being - never move to Seattle.

    Hope the sun comes out soon.

    I love you gobs!

  2. I totally started singing the Trouble song. :)
