Monday, July 15, 2019

A Whole Lot Of Nothing

Gee wiz, it has been a HOT MINUTE. Please excuse the mess, or rather the lack of it seeing as this place is probably only messy when I'm writing. Just give me a moment to remember where the sitting room is so we can get comfortable. Do you think there are snacks in the kitchen by any chance? Expired, I assume, considering that it's been a year since my last visit. But there's gotta be something to munch on that hasn't gone stale. What was it I found the other day with an expiration date like a hundred years from now? Soy sauce or something? Hey, whatever it takes to spice this place up, I'm down.

So here's the thing. I have a new blog now. Did you catch that? I don't want this little guy to hear, so just keep it on the DL if you know what I mean. Also I just think it's fun to use the smaller text, and I think I'm hilarious so humor me.

But it's true. I have converted to Medium. to be exact. Go have a look-see. Actually, there's nothing new there yet, just some old stuff I threw in the mix to give myself a little bulk. Also just so I could see what the formatting was like and sorta just feel my way around the place. But new things are coming. Meaning of course that I have no idea what I'm going to put there at the moment, or when I'll have the time to do it. But, here I am writing, so here's hoping.

And I guess that's all I really have to say. So, the end I guess. Bet you're excited that you dropped in for a whole lot of nothing. I did warn you in the title, so this is on you kid. Welcome to fate.

No, but really. I was in the mood to write something, but I didn't want the pressure of adding content to my new blog/portfolio/site/I'm not sure what to call it, so I decided to head back to the safe zone. Emily+n, where expectations are low, judgment is ignorable, and the vibe is pretty dang random. Here where I've spent many a ponderous moment, created many a Paint jpg, and composed many a purpose-less post. I don't have to worry about format, word count, or citations. I can just be who I am and say what I want and every once in a while something truly beautiful comes out of it. In all honesty, I've missed this.

Still, I'm a little embarrassed by the output thus far. I blame my mush of a brain. 11:27 pm apparently is not my prime writing time. Hmm. I would like to formally apologize to any articles I may have definitely have written at this hour of the night in the past. Which I guess includes this little gem you've unfortunately traversed to this point.

Well, I won't keep you any longer. And by you I mean myself because the reader you is always welcome to click away at any time. If you've made it to this point it's your own dang fault and I will forcefully refuse to take any responsibility for that poor judgment on your part.

It's been real kids. Real strange, that's for sure. I promise I'm sane. Or... yeah, I probably am. Emily+n out.