Hey Family!
Phineous and Ferb reference anyone? Christmas is coming up, so we´re starting to sing Christmas Hymns and share the Christmas story, and we´re also of course sharing the new christmas videos that the chruch put out. It´s all pretty exciting! You would think after a year in Argentina I´d be used to Christmas in the summer... but no. :) It just feels like everyone decided to sing hymns and talk about Christ randomly in July. But whoever said that was something we couldn´t do? So it´s fine. :)
The only thing is that due to all the rain we´ve been having, there are mosquitos everywhere, and we´re kind of being eaten alive. I haven´t hardly used my bug repelant my whole mission, even though I brought two or three bottles. But this summer I´m definitely going to be using all of it. Soooooo grateful for Deet! It was actually kind of funny becuase one of the first nights the mosquitos were really bad we had gone out without repelant. At the end of the night we stopped to talk to a guy on the street who was sitting out on his front porch. He had met with missionaries before, and had some questions, so it was really interesting conversation, and the perfect opportunity to share testimony. The only problem was that while we were standing there and sharing, we were kind of dancing around and swatting at mosquitos the whole time. Trying to do it all sneekily and casually while trying to have a normal conversation. haha. Finally we just handed him a restauration pamphlet and said we´d see if we could come back later. And then basically ran to the appartment, still swatting. It was pretty hilarious. All week my legs have been covered in bites, it looked like chicken pox. I think the bugs like foreign blood haha. Now it´s a little better, and the repelant is definitely effective.
Anyway, this week we met with Juan again! We were able to go with the branch president and his wife, and had a really great lesson. He was able to read over the testimony of Joseph Smith, and said he really liked it. The funny thing was he read about Moroni, got curious, and searched him on the internet. He found somwhere that listed that Moroni was a servant of the Devil, and got scared. We kind of laughed. He goes, No, I´m serious! And we were like, Yeah, I don´t doubt it. We had a really good lesson about the book of mormon and the holy ghost, and how he can know for himself that it´s true, getting a direct answer from God.
He came to chruch again on sunday as well, and this time he was able to stay for at least sunday school. He keeps saying that everything is just so new to him. He knows the bible backward and forwards, so when we talk about the book of mormon, he´s a little lost. We´re going to be working on our lesson plans, by putting in more scriptures, both from the bible and the book of mormon so he can easier see how they relate. He also keeps saying he´s really glad we come over and teach him about the gospel, so things are going well! We´re thinking to set a baptismal date for him this week, so pray for him!
Well, that´s about it for this week. Love you all! Here´s a foto of us at a park in San Luis when we went down there for the Zone Meeting. Have a great week!
Hermana Cannon