Dear Family, Friends, and...the rest:
Hah. Just kidding. You`re all my friends, and like family to me! Especially those who are family.
Yeah, just a little example of when Hermana Cannon thinks she`s funny. We`ll just say I`m tired.
Speaking of sleeping, I can`t believe I totally forgot to tell you all! At least...I think I did. Every time I got on to email, I forgot, and now... well anyway. As of many-a-month ago, President Goates changed the mission schedule, due to the fact that everyone was asleep from 1 in the afternoon to about 5 or 6. So basically, we got a SIESTA!!! That`s right ladies and gentlemen, at 2:30 after lunch, for one hour, the missionaries here in Mendoza Argentina were given a mandatory siesta! And then we were allowed to stay out until 10 at night instead of 9, to be able to meet with more people. Here in Argentina, even the little kids are up at night till about 11 or 12 even. Crazy right? So basically, that happened. And sometimes it was a little hard to get to sleep at that hour, but it`s been really nice, and very effective.
However, now that the weather is a little colder, the siesta isn`t as forever long, and in April we go back to the normal schedule. So, glad I got the news out just before it`s irrelevant again. Surprize!
This week we were able to meet with Edelmira finally! We went with the branch president`s daughter, Celeste, who`s leaving for her mission in Peru in July. After a few minutes of talking, we found out that Edelmira hadn`t talked to her partner Daniel, and they`re still living together. So that was sad to find out. We shared Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 which shares the requirements of baptism, and talked a lot about repentance, and the importance of repenting fully before being baptized, in order for it to have more meaning, and to really prepare for a new life. We re-explained the Law of Chastity, so that it was even more clear for her. We came to a point in the lesson where she finally asked, "So, if I want to be baptized, what do I have to do? Or, what`s the next step?" Golden! You know things are going well when Investigators ask questions like that. Answer? We`ve been explaining that all along! Keep the commandments. Read your scriptures. Pray. Talk to your partner, and keep the law of chastity.
And, I think she was a little disapointed to hear that. Which, to me, made sense. I do the same thing. A lot of times I ask, what can I do now? What`s the secret to feel the spirit more? To be more like Christ? To be a better missionary? Hoping, that maybe this time I`ll find some secret ingredient in the Book of Mormon, something I missed before. But that`s just it. Like Kung Fu Panda, (You had da noodle dweam?) the secret ingredient is what you already have. The answers are always what you learned in primary. Not because they`re easy. But because they`re true. There`s strength in reading scriptures every day. There`s power in praying with real intent. There`s refuge in repentance. And there`s spiritual enlightenment in the chapel every week. They`re simple, sometimes hard, and they often seem repetative, but I know the little things, always the little things, are the most necessary, the most strengthening, and the most true things we can be doing to be a better missionary, person, mom, brother, student, disciple of Jesus Christ.
Love you all! Have a great week, one and all! And don`t forget the little things!
Hermana Cannon
ps. The pictures! We set a goal with a less active family that if they read they`re scriptures and prayed every day for a month, I would make them cookies. They did it! Wahoo! Then there`s the Zone conference, and intercambios with Hermana Dutra, our Brasilian Sister Training leader. We`ve been in the same district my whole mission, so that`s been fun. She`s the best.
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